Edmond Praybe. His paintings are different – and in such a good way. Just look at the intricacies in this painting…
Spectacular paintings – I just love them. Some have vivid colors and some the palette is softer. I think this is a fabulous painting. It’s interesting (which is so important), it’s different and the colors are soothing.
This painting is available at Y Gallery and will be in an upcoming show next month – the show “STILL” which is a collection of still life paintings by Edmond and a few other artists. This exhibition opens AUGUST 26, 2020 with an open reception August 29, 6-9PM, and closes on SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. If you’re in the Baltimore, MD area, I would check it out!
See more of Edmond’s work via these links:
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Blog | Workshops
Edmond Praybe – Statement
❝My current work is an ongoing series of paintings dealing with the theme of suburban landscape. This body of work addresses a traditional visual motif in painting; the interaction of figures and/or man-made structures within the broader environmental context of landscape. The works attempt to build on this tradition through the depiction of contemporary suburban spaces as well as through the exploration of formal concerns about space, form, color, and structure in painting. As a motif suburban life readily lends itself to these explorations with the painter’s goal being to reconcile the inclusion of objects such as cars, road-signs, houses, trees, roads and people all within a resolved and relational abstract painting structure. When dealing with a juxtaposition of motifs in a painting such as that of figure and landscape [or object and environment as the case may be] the artist must begin to see each element in terms of the other. For instance, approaching the figure in terms of landscape painting makes for heightened awareness of the ephemeral qualities of the former, including quality of light, temperature, and the effects of each season on the environment. These elements infuse the figure with a sense of scale, place and in the best cases poetry. Conversely, viewing the landscape in terms of figure painting brings a heightened sense of form, volume and palpability to the motif.
The paintings are my attempt to reinvent a feeling of the world I inhabit in terms of the formal properties of the material and within the context of an artistic canon which celebrates the union of observation, invention, and memory. The works are literal explorations [many made on-site or at least partially so], as well as artist explorations, dealing with a variety of attitudes concerning color, structure, scale, and narrative. In broad terms I am searching for a quality timelessness in the image, while also depicting a very specific sense of time and place in each piece. It is my intention that the paintings feel at once familiar and unexpected, believable, but not always entirely logical.❞
Bio via First Street Gallery
Until next time…
ps – I have no control over any political ads that may appear on this site. My apologies…